Attention: Calling all business owners, entrepreneurs, managers, and business accountants - Get the inside scoop on successful business analysis techniques….

"Discover How To Boost Your Success By Implementing Business Analysis Strategies and Techniques!"


click here for version 2

From: The Desk of... Lloyd Priddle
Date: Wednesday, 3:32 PM


Dear Friend,


FACT: Learning to succeed in business requires a more comprehensive approach than ever before.


Element #1: You need a Proven Formula to build your business


Element #2: You need Direct, Easy to Understand Information from a reliable source


Element #3: You need Relevant & Practical Business Knowledge that works


The problem most business leaders face today is the ability to understand the multitude of essential elements necessary for business success… Many struggle with finding the time to learn and build business systems that will genuinely help their business ideas take off…


You need to know…


  • What tools are available to analyse all your business areas and operations to ensure you meet business goals and targets


  • How to strategically build your business to make your profits soar


  • How to manage a range of business areas and build upon them for future business growth and success



You probably understand your business better than anyone… but merely having the head-knowledge of what needs to be done and taking the necessary steps to actually do them can be two very different things… Many business people understand the need to build their skill base, but are simply too busy or too strapped for money to attend expensive seminars, conferences, or workshops.


Like most business people you don't want a fluff course that holds little long term value for your business… you want results. What if I could show you a way to achieve those results without compromising your budget or taking time away from your busy schedule? Sounds good, doesn't it?


I know exactly how it feels to be in your position, which is exactly why I developed the program I'm about to reveal to you…


How to Build Your Knowledge for

Strategic Business Success

Hello, my name is Lloyd Priddle… I'm a professional Certified Practicing Account with over 26 years of practical ‘in the trenches’ consulting experience. I've been working with small, medium, and large business across Australia and New Zealand for over two decades. Over that time I've gained an extensive amount of inside business knowledge.

Working with numerous multi-million dollar businesses for over two decades, I understand how critical it is for business leaders to develop analytical approaches to building their organization. Learning accurate means of analysis within the business is just one of the essential areas that need to be examined in order to achieve long term success. 

Many business people I have worked with have found the expense of attending conferences and workshops to build their knowledge (not to mention the time away from the job) simply makes this option too big of a the commitment for them.

I could see these time-poor business leaders needed better options for learning how to develop a thriving business…. The idea that I could share the knowledge I had acquired over 26 years started to form….

I started working on a program that addressed a range of areas:

How to handle all business finances and costs

How to manage marketing strategies

How to manage business administration

How to develop successful business reporting

How to build strategies and tools to systematize all areas of the business

How to strategically design the business vision, mission, and objectives

How to effectively analyse your business and develop plans for long term growth

In the past, if you wanted to learn these critical business skills, you would either spend weeks with each different department of your organization in order to learn all of the necessary information, or you would need to spend a hefty sum of money and time attending conferences and training courses for each specific area.

Understanding how to properly analyse your business can be the bane of many a business managers' existence… You understand what is necessary and how the building blocks of your business come together, but as a manager or owner you need to be able to analyse these areas when making critical business decisions.

So how do you begin to understand the analysis skills of the experts, when you're already stretched to the breaking point!

I knew there must be a better way...

How to Learn Everything You Need - Without Spending Time on the 'Fillers'…

I realized the years of inside knowledge I had could be invaluable for those wanting to build their business skills… So I started putting together a range of business resources to address the specific skills that were vital for the success of your business - without the extras that wasted time and money for little genuine gain…

The ‘Analyse Your Business’ module is the first of seven modules that I put together as a way to help busy business owners and managers gain access to inside information on business analysis strategies guaranteed to boost their performance.

Using the first-hand knowledge I had acquired while working with successful businesses around the world, I broke down everything I knew into targeted modules, with ‘bite sized pieces’ to make it easy for people to learn, understand and implement. 

How the modules can help you…

If you are a busy business leader, this system can help in several ways:

It is cost effective

It doesn't require crucial amounts of time from your hectic schedule

Ongoing support and knowledge to boost your business skills

In fact, by using this system…..

You can build your knowledge at a steady and reasonable pace without sacrificing a lot of time and money to do it!

Learn Desirable Analysis Skills Guaranteed to Give Your Business Solid Direction


After years working with business leaders in many different industries and with businesses of different sizes; I realize that owners and managers need a solid understanding of different types of analysis and strategies….


If you are the 'captain of the ship' then you need to know how to navigate and guide the vessel…


Are you analyzing your marketing effectively? Are you on top of your financial reporting? Are looking at ways to strategically streamline your business operations? These are all areas that you must make decisions on as a manager… And each one requires a different set of skills and know how. The challenge is in finding ways to develop these skills without compromising work in other areas….

 If you need help getting developing your business analysis skills, discover a better way…

How the 'Analyse Your Business' Program

Will Help You Grow Your Business…


The ‘Analyse Your Business’ module is a genuine resource for business people starting out on the path to business success. This module is the first of seven in the ‘Mastering Business Program - a program that is made up of intellectual property I have collected throughout my 26 years of consulting with business owners.

Here is exactly how the ‘Mastering Business Program’ will revitalize the way you conduct business:

1) Precise, Easy to Understand Information All in One Place.

The ‘Mastering Business Program’ takes a holistic approach, covering seven modules designed to educate business people in all areas necessary to run a successful business.

2) Proven, Practical Business Knowledge That Works.

The ‘Mastering Business Program’ has been written by a professional Certified Practicing Account with over two decades of practical ‘in the trenches’ consulting experience with small, medium, and large businesses across Australia and New Zealand. Each module reveals concepts and strategies from some of the most successful businesses around the world - all broken down into small ‘bite sized pieces’ - making it easy to learn, understand and implement. 

3) Proven Format and Delivery Method

Each week your lesson is delivered directly to you in PDF format, covering a single topic, so you build one small amount of information on top of another over a period of time.

4) Affordable and Budget Friendly

Each module will contain between 25 and 35 practical lessons delivered weekly. You will have access to cutting edge business strategies and tactics delivered weekly to your inbox at a truly affordable price..

5) Practical Application

The ‘Mastering Business Program’ lessons are useful and practical for anyone in small, medium, and large businesses.  The lessons teach business owners how to increase profits, look at things from the outside-in, and put solid business systems in place.

6) E-Coaching Available

If you are seeking additional assistance to fully understand a concept or manage a certain area of your business growth, you can receive access to my extra business coaching service. 

Get started with the Analyse Your Businessmodule and take the first step on the path to true business success.

You Can Access Targeted Business Modules to Increase Your Knowledge Dramatically!

Hone in on all the necessary information you need to take control of your business analysis…. For over 26 years I've been crafting powerful business improvement solutions… Now I'm packaging my consultancy experience into these exceptional modules which deliver essential inside business information; all at a realistic price.


What makes this so different?


With the ‘Analyse Your Business’ module you get practical and hands on information… Delivered in a format that is manageable and affordable!


You want user friendly, informative content, right? Well, here's what you get with the first learning module...


How the 'Analyse Your Business' Program

Can Help You Start Honing Your

Business Skills


The ‘Mastering Business Program’ is designed to provide learning that targets a number of essential business areas, from strategic analysis and marketing, to people management.


In this first module, ‘Analyse Your Business,’ I will cover a range of skills to help you learn all about effective and strategic business analysis. The modular learning structure is made available to help you work steadily to grow your business skills and to develop increased knowledge and confidence working with analysis materials across a range of operational areas.


Each week, while studying the module, you will get a weekly lesson. In that lesson I'll cover strategies and tools I've collected to help you analyse your business and assess your current position. I'll also show you how to implement necessary plans for the future development your business.  


Here's precisely what the ‘Analyse Your Business’ module offers week to week:


Ø       Important Information Before You Begin the Lessons


Ø       Week 01 - Business Health Check Part 1 - An Introduction

Ø       Week 02 - Business Health Check Part 2 - An Introduction (continued)

Ø       Week 03 - Business Health Check Part 3 - Administration

Ø       Week 04 - Business Health Check Part 4 - Management

Ø       Week 05 - Business Health Check Part 5 - Marketing

Ø       Week 06 - Business Health Check Part 6 - Finance

Ø       Week 07 - Business Health Check Part 7 - Operations & Production

Ø       Week 08 - Business Health Check Part 8 - Staff

Ø       Week 09 - Business Health Check Part 9 - Premises, Customers & Suppliers

Ø       Week 10 - Future Possibilities Part 1

Ø       Week 11 - Future Possibilities Part 2

Ø       Week 12 - Business Growth Plan

Ø       Week 13 - Life Goals Part 1

Ø       Week 14 - Life Goals Part 2

Ø       Week 15 - Life Goals Part 3

Ø       Week 16 - Success in Business Reports

Working through this module is like having a step-by-step explanation of how to put your analysis together! As you complete each stage of the ‘Analyse Your Business’ module you will increase your business knowledge and confidence.

Each module progressively contributes to the overall ‘Mastering Business Program’ and individually helps the participant to gain targeted skills which benefit their business management expertise and achieve the results you dream of!

In fact, here’s….

 Why YOU Must Try this Innovative Learning System to Drive Your Business Growth

The ‘Analyse Your Business’ module is the solution to pinpoint ways to strategically grow your business:


ü  A timely and inexpensive learning opportunity

ü  An opportunity to implement practical strategies in  the workplace

ü  An excellent solution if you want to build targeted skills

ü  An effective way to access innovative business ideas without spending too much money or too much time

ü  A progressive learning structure that targets key areas of knowledge

Of course, I don’t expect you to just take my word for it...

Here’s Testimonial PROOF that it Really Works

"Wow!, this is Perfect!!!"

“Lloyd has put together what I believe to be the best business coaching programs in Australia. I have worked with other business coaching programs and they just don’t ‘cut it’.

I was at my wits end trying to find someone to help me grow my business and increase my profitability.

Lloyd was there to help us through all of the tough times. He always had the answers when we needed them. The best part about the Mastering Business Program was that it covered all aspects of business and not only taught us ‘what’ we had to do but ‘how’ to do it.

The Mastering Business Program was the main ingredient which allowed us to grow to a multi-million dollar business with six offices in just under two years.” 


Chris Childs, Think Money, Maroochydore, Qld.


“You’re my business savior."


Thanks for all your help. Your Mastering Business Program was instrumental in the success of my business.


I went from knowing very little about business to knowing enough to become more successful than I ever imagined. It’s one of the best investments I have ever made.”


I learnt so much. It was fun. I looked forward to getting my weekly lessons to see how else I could improve my business.


This is really a must for anyone in business or considering going into business. It has my highest recommendation.


Michael Kane, Kane’s Family Meats, Rockhampton, Qld. Australia


“Thanks Lloyd for the Mastering Business Program."


The information it contains is invaluable for anyone wanting to run a successful business. There is so much information included; there is something for everyone.


Your program has helped me prioritize the sections of my business that needed to be fixed and to put strategies in place to fix them.


One of the biggest things I learned from taking the course was the ability to understand the difference between working ‘in’ my business and working ‘on’ my business.”


Alan Cox, A & T Earthworks Training Pty Ltd., Mackay, Qld. Australia


This program will help anyone in business! It's that good!

“Thanks for your help. Your Mastering Business Program helped me get my business and my accounting records in order.

Your program helped get me focused and keep me focused and this enabled me to take my business to a new level. I really liked the way you were always there as a sounding board and to answer all of my questions.

The strategies you taught me helped me increase my turnover by $820,000 in under 2 years. It also helped me sell one of my businesses for a capital profit of $1,300,000 in under 3 years!

The program is ‘worth its weight in gold’.  Thanks again!”

Peter Ford, Kirkpalm Pty Ltd., Townsville, Qld. 


These testimonials should convince you of the benefits available to you with this outstanding program…but perhaps you’re still a little skeptical...

Remember this: the ‘Analyse Your Business Program’ is not offering you some new fangled idea… it is simply offering you a better way of gaining knowledge to implement proven strategies for success! Step-by-step you will be building a knowledge base that will cause you to advance in business….

Get Started Today and See The

Results For Yourself…


You’ve now read what is included and had a chance to look at testimonials from the other successful users of the Mastering Business Program - now it’s time to get your own spot with ‘Analyse Your Business’ and start growing your knowledge and take your own business to greater levels of success!


Best of all, this program is fully backed by…..


My "30 Day Better Than Risk Free

100% Money Back Guarantee"

If for any reason you feel that the lessons in the ‘Analyse Your Business’ module are not 100% satisfactory, take advantage of the 100% Money Back Guarantee. I'll even let you keep all of the valuable bonuses as a way of saying ‘Thank You’ for giving ‘Analyse Your Business’ program a try.

My guarantee is genuine and simple… If you don't love the information in the ‘Analyse Your Business’ module, then I'll give you a refund - it's that easy….

But wait, that’s not all…

Not only am I offering you the best business analysis program around... I'm also giving you these...

3 FREE Valuable Bonuses

To help you drive your business success even further, I'm going to boost your learning and knowledge with these 3 outstanding bonuses….


BONUS 1:  Access to a ‘Private Members Area’ with over 380 business building reports. Valued at over $2,970.00


BONUS 2:  Bonus CD including a video called ‘Why Most Business Don’t Work as Well as They Should and What To Do About It.’  - Valued at over $97.00


BONUS 3: Bonus Consulting Voucher - Valued at over $330.00


That's over $3,397.00 worth of bonuses included for one low price.

Simply put... Saying yes to the ‘Analyse Your Business Program’, combined with these 3 exceptional bonuses means there is no possible way you can fail at boosting your business knowledge!

You’ve seen just how much vital information is offered with this program. You’ve read testimonials from other users of the ‘Analyse Your Business Program.’

Now is the time to take your business to the next level of success.


 Get Started at One Low, Low Price Today!

Purchase your ‘Analyse Your Business’ module today and get started learning a great range of techniques and strategies for long term business growth and advancement…

Here's How You Can Get Started Right Now

If you're ready to start learning more about business strategy and development, then you can simply click the order button below and you will be on your way.

This course is exceptionally affordable at just $49.50 (AUD) per month. That means all those practical lessons, each one delivered weekly, for this very low price. Once you register, you will be automatically billed each month via credit card or PayPal.

So Order Now!...

Click on the button below to order now via our Secure Server and get instant access. (don't delay as the discount price of $49.50 is only available for a limited period!)

Here's to your Success,

Lloyd Priddle. B. Bus. GDM. CPA.

Business Development Specialist.

P.S. : Build Solid Business Knowledge with a Recognized Business Leader

Don't leave your business growth and success to chance….Starting with the ‘Analyse Your Business’ module is your chance to build the kind of knowledge base that will drive your business onwards and upwards to success…. Why delay another minute?

Order now! This truly is the first step toward outstanding business success!

P.P.S.: Develop Your Business Knowledge & Secure Strong Business Growth and Profit Now!

Are you still uncertain about this program?

Success in business doesn't happen by accident. To beat out the competition you need to run every aspect of your business like a well-oiled machine. The longer you wait to start, the longer you delay your business success.

Don’t wait any longer!—ORDER NOW!

You’ve seen just how much vital information is offered with this program. You’ve read testimonials from other users of the ‘Analyse Your Business Program.’

Now is the time to take your business to the next level of success.


Best of all, this program is fully backed by…..


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Click here if you are at all undecided about giving this ground-breaking program a try.


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Analyse Your Business

'The Business Centre' 111 Musgrave Street

North Rockhampton, Qld. 4701 Australia. All Rights Reserved.

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